Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Note Carding It

Greetings! You will all be happy to hear that I'm back into the swing of things with the writing. The week off really did me well. This weeks challenge was inter-cutting/inter-writing three different dialog scenes. The three dialog scenes were all suppose to be happening at the same time, and other I could have just put one after the other in the script, I knew a lot of interesting things that could happen if I was able to cut in the middle of one to other and then back again. The tough part was knowing when to cut from one to the next. I realized the only way I personally could do it was to write all three scenes separately and then go back and "mesh" them all together. So, even though I did not technically "note card" anything, I did use the technique where you figure out separate beats before rearranging them. And it looks like it has worked really well! I'm very pleased. Also, after mixing the scenes up, I made a few revisions, which not only helped them flow together better, but just made them better scenes over all. I really enjoyed this process and will be most definitely be using it again in the future. I'm proudly over the 80 page mark, and still loving it! Until next time, good night and good luck!

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