Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hitting the Wall

Well, it's finally happened! I have officially hit my first wall. It's not that I don't know where I'm going, because I was smart enough to type up that very detailed 14 page outline, which has really helped guide me away from THAT kind of writer's block. With that said, there is still A LOT of creative decisions to be made as I move through the script: how do certain scenes ACTUALLY play out, how would the characters REACT in this scenario, what would the characters SAY to each other here, ect.? And frankly, I am just tired. I don't think I'm tired of this world, the story, or its characters. My mind is just tired of trying to come up with brilliant ideas all the time. Haha! As such, I decided to take the last week off to just rest. Fortunately, I think it has helped! With the Lord's help, I'm feeling ready to charge back into the screenplay! So, bring it! Until next time, good night and good luck!

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