Monday, February 9, 2009

So It Begins...

Hurray! I've done it! I've begun the scripting of my still untitled comedy about communication problems. It is a very exciting feeling to actually write the very first INT. - PRISON - DAY. I have to admit that I was rather nervous about starting. All throughout the outlining process, I was questioning my ability to make this screenplay any good (especially the dialog). Fortunately for everyone, I am finding the process to come quite naturely. Granted, there is still a huge possibility that everything I am writing is absolute trash! Haha! I do however, have a good feeling about what I'm coming up with. God is good! Because I have so meticulously thought up the details surrounding the plot, my job is made a whole lot smoother. I am just zooming along, doing my best to give each of the characters their own distinct voice, making the heroes understandable and sympathetic and the villains both despicable and believable. Seeing it written down is also helping me see which parts drag, which are too fast, and which actions forward a character's personality and which contradict it. I am already on page 25 and am still very on fire for the whole thing. It's a very good feeling all around. Until next time... good night and good luck!

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