Monday, February 16, 2009


Well, this week has been about two things: continuing to move forwards with the script and implementing the notes I received from friends to earlier scripted scenes. As stated in the earlier blog, one of things I needed to work on was clarifying, to the AUDIENCE, what the different character's motivations were.
My initial plan was to slowly release that sort of information to the AUDIENCE at the same times I would be releasing it the the other CHARACTERS. Seeing now that this was not a good idea, I have given the audience a pretty clear idea right from he get go as to why the characters do what they do. With Peter (one of the story's three main characters) the thing that drives him throughout the film is his love (misguided as it is) for a woman the AUDIENCE never actual meets. To help demonstrate this, I have implemented a photograph of Peter and this woman, which he carries with him. Peter will also attempt to contact this girl by making periodic phone calls. Through the tone of these calls as well as the way Peter looks at the picture, the AUDIENCE will hopefully become quickly clued in to what is going through his brain.
With Saul (another of the story's three main characters) I had no intention of revealing, to the AUDIENCE, that he was without a family until the very end of the story. I have now established that in the second scene. This helps out for a whole host of reasons. One, you see now that he wants a family and demonstrates to the audience why he wants Peter and Stephen to remain with him. Two, it shows even clearer, to the AUDIENCE, that he is a compulsive lair ever time he claims to have a "large family." Three, the way I choose to reveal that he is without a family helps to establish another character as well. The villain, Warden Wilber Oswald, who was in need of some more despicable attributes, mocks Saul by pointing out the fact that all of his family is dead.
I also made some other changes to the Oswald as well as the relationship he holds with other characters: namely Zooey (the story's leading lady). I had been given two notes: Oswald's character is unclear and Zooey seems like a tag on character with no real connection to the story. To fix both of these problems in one sweep, I decided to make Zooey Oswald's daughter. In doing this, I made Zooey connected more deeply with the story and also gave her the ability to know and COMMENTATE on Oswald's motivation and background.
That is all for now. Good night and good luck!

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